By Avery Ladd-Winders

The Tranquil Power of CBN: Unveiling the Soothing Secrets of Cannabinol

What is CBN?

CBN (cannabinol) is a chemical compound that is found in cannabis. It is a minor cannabinoid, meaning that it is present in relatively small amounts compared to other cannabinoids such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). CBN is formed when THC is broken down over time, so it is often found in older or poorly stored cannabis.

What does CBN do?

CBN has a number of potential effects on the body, including sedative effects that may be helpful for reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. Some people also believe that CBN may have pain-relieving and antibacterial properties. Although, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of using CBN, it has also been found to assist with your REM sleep cycle.

How can I use CBN?

CBN can be utilized through tinctures, edibles and inhalation of CBN dominant strains. Most often it is used through the tincture or edibles due to its ease and simplicity!


We are not health care professionals, therefor we cannot give any exact dosage information. However, from past customers and personal use, a 15mg dose is average for woman and a 30mg dosage for men is average.

Check out our other blog posts, specifically the one on why woman need less than men!


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